Quilting your dreams

Quilting your dreams

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Where has the time gone .....let's see

Where has time gone. Well, after Halloween, came Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving brought a visit from my grandson Taylor with his parents

Feeding the birds with Papa

Taylor with Uncle B and Aunt Amanda

Then came Christmas with Gregs parents.  New Years was a quite affair in our house. With the flu finding Greg just before Valetines Day.  Quilt Camp was in there too.  I lost my mojo and think that a few long nights with books by the woodstove have helped to me find it.  Now I hope to have more balance and enjoy more; with a little less of the rush in my life and in my quilting.  The wind is blowing hard outside and my book and the fire in the stove are calling as I have tomorrow off from my day job for President's Day Holiday
Night All