Quilting your dreams

Quilting your dreams

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Customer quilt start to finish part 2

The last two weeks I have been quilting on this quilt.  I am able to do anything that I want on the quilting........gee what choices :)
So with this in mind and knowing what the pay out already is.
 Do you take the quick and fast way out?
NO of course not (no panto here) ......but I am doing my favorite thing FEATHERS

here are some pictures of the quilting




On last Friday, I took a quick run down to the Lowell Quilt Festival.  What do you think I spotted?
My quilting work in a booth!
Here is a picture
These are Kris Poor's Seasonal Banners.  Found in Red Barn Sewing and Quilting Booth

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