Quilting your dreams

Quilting your dreams

Saturday, September 28, 2013


It has officially became Fall.......I do love this season, but alas she is not my favorite.  But each season holds a special place in my heart, Spring for the crocous blooms and things popping up the the gardens, Summer for the warm lazy days to paddle my kayak, Fall for the turning of the leaves, And Winter for the blankets of snow, cuddling under quilts and snow shoeing.

This Fall also shows both my step-son and husband and the weight that has fallen off of both of them.
I am so proud of both of them!!!

David (step-son)

 My husband Greg

Fall also becomes a busy quilting season,  Here are the quilts from last week.

Now that Monsters is done, we can't leave Taylor's baby sister out....so we began piecing her a top with animals with shoes.  The top is now complete and will wait in line for a empty space in the quilt line (hopefully I won't wait so long to get this one to her)

We had a wonderful group of women helping with the raffle baskets this week for the Souhegan Valley Quilt Show

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